E-FIX-innovative Energy FInancing miX- H2020
- E-FIX website
- http://energyfinancing.eu/en/
The E-FIX project (3/2018 – 2/2021) receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the European Union and stands for innovative Energy FInancing miX.
13 partner organisations from 6 countries are part of this international European project. The aim of the E-FIX project is to support the uptake of innovative financing mechanisms in order to facilitate the realisation of an increased number of energy efficiency projects in the Countries of Eastern Europe including Caucasus countries.
ConPlusUltra acts as project coordinator and key expert regarding the financing and implementation of energy projects focusing in its activities foremost on preparing the ground in Austria. ConPlusUltra experts work together with their Austrian partners CONDA AG and the University of Business and Economics Vienna.
The project will consider different financing mechanisms and refine them, including leasing models, and Energy Performance Contracting to crowdfunding for energy efficiency. Additionally to developing, testing and preparing said mechanisms for market application, the consortium organises training and knowledge transfer activities in the partner countries and internationally.
- Innovative Energietechnologien und Forschungsprojekte
- EU-Projekte / Nationale Projekte