RECENTRE – Interreg Alpine Space


RECENTRE is an Interreg Alpine Space funded project and was successfully launched on 1st of Sepember 2024 with duration of 36 months. Project consortia consist of T2i – technology transfer and innovation (IT) as project leader and twelve partners from Alpine Spacel- European countries. Kick Off meeting was held in Treviso, Italy on 11th – 10th  September 2024.

Green transition of the manufacturing Industry in the Alpine region

The intention of the project is to support the green transformation of the Alpine manufacturing sector and the uptake of advanced technologies for the well-being of workers. The partners will develop and enhance research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advances technologies.

The project focus lies in following activities:

+ Inventory and needs analysis
Survey of the current status of the manufacturing industry in the Alpine region and the needs of companies with regard to the introduction of Industry 5.0.

+ Development of transition plans
Concrete plans for the transformation of production processes in the automotive, mechatronics and bioeconomy sub-sectors in line with Industry 5.0.

+ Support and further training
The provision of knowledge, training courses and workshops to facilitate the transition for companies and impart the necessary skills.

ConPlusUltra as project partner acts as communication manger of RECENTRE and implements a cross-cutting multichannel communication approach to reach out for project target groups, disseminate project results, and inform relevant stakeholder networks through the project communication channels (website, social, media, printed materials, project events (real / online). CPU is responsible for  preparing an aggregated report on SMEs barriers, needs and expectations for their investments on green / high tech transformation and the contribution of public support systems. We also contribute to the strategy and the action plan and work for the establishment of the Manufacturing 5.0 network and the start-up activities. Additionally, local observers and stakeholders will be involved during the project and will contribute to the up take of the outputs and the dissemination of results.

The project co-funded by European Union through the Interreg Alpine Space programme with 2.122.851,90 EUR.

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Project partners

Project leader is T2i – technology transfer and innovation  from Italy with following partners:

Veneto Innovazione S.p.A. (IT)
Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. (IT)
Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd (SI)
University of Ljubljana (SI)
Bayern Innovativ GmbH (DE)
Steinbeis 2i GmbH (DE)
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises (FR)
CCI Alsace Eurométropole (FR)
Creating Integrated MEchanical Systems AuvergneRhône-Alpes (FR)
• ConPlusUltra (AT)
Business Upper Austria (AT)
Swiss Mechatronics (CH)

Contact person ConPlusUltra:
Mag. Harald Grill

The Industry 5.0 Transformation Survey for Mechatronics, Automotive & Bioeconomy Leaders“

We invite you to participate in a brief survey assessing readiness, challenges, and opportunities for SMEs in the Mechatronics, Automotive, and Bioeconomy sectors as part of the RECENTRE Project, funded by the European Union through the Alpine Space programme.
This survey focuses on Industry 5.0, which integrates human intelligence with advanced technologies like digital twins, collaborative robots (cobots), and smart manufacturing systems. Your insights will help us provide targeted support for your transition to Industry 5.0.

Once all responses have been collected and analyzed, you will receive a cross-national final report. Your input will be crucial in shaping future activities by co-designing transition plans that focus on providing financial and technical support to SMEs.

Participate now: Survey in German language

First transnational webinar: Webinar: AI & Industry 5.0, 27th November 15:00-17:00

During the webinar, you will have the opportunity to hear from leading experts on why Industry 5.0 and artificial intelligence represent a disruptive combination, where advanced technology is no longer just a tool but a partner that enables personalised, sustainable and efficient production, while enhancing human potential and creativity. The webinar is for free and held in Englisch language with option for AI translating.

More details and registration






30172 Venezia Mestre
