The Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) has been awarded funding from the Erasmus + program for the project “edu4future”. The implementation of the project began with a virtual kick-off meeting on November 26, 2020, which was organized by the SCCI Regional Chamber Trenčín. It was attended by the project partners from the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.
The aim of the project is to identify mechanisms, which make it possible to transfer employer requirements related to digitalization and Industry 4.0 to vocational education.
The implementation of the project will contribute to making secondary education programs more adapted to the future needs of the labor market Industry 4.0. At the same time, it will also take into account the new COVID 19 context and its effects on the labor market.
The project received funding under Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ program, Strategic Partnerships