Enhancing the capacities of Danube area
To facilitate their access to innovative transnational value chains, Danube Peer Chains has been working on enhancing the capacities of Danube area labour and business support organisations, local industry and entrepreneurs.
To achieve this end, it is working in a partnership made up of business and labour support organizations, technology transfer centres, vocational/educational institutions and policy actors. These partners come from both EU and non-EU countries, including Austria, Slovenia, Romania, Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Moldova.
By having this mix, it is possible to cooperate with partners situated at different levels of the value chains focused on in the project. This approach also makes it possible to target countries typically active in production sectors who are particularly affected by new upskilling demands linked to the digitalisation of value chains.
Outputs are available free of charge
A number of major deliverables have been released in recent weeks, which allow the project to move towards meeting its overall objectives. These include:
- The transnational benchmark analysis of labour market conditions including identification of qualification and support demand as well as a factsheet on the analysis.
- an analysis of the latest status of the EUSDR Strategy / S3 strategies in the partner countries
- a transnational competence map of knowledge related to digital value-chain creation
- a mapping of competencies in key knowledge fields of digitalization
- a collection of support instruments in place to develop labour markets in digitalization
- methodology for the integration of existing industry sectors into digital value chains
- a regional analysis with a focus on labour market characteristic
All outputs are available free of charge here: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danubepeerchains/outputs
This autumn a range of trainings with be offered for companies and their employees. We will keep you updated on these via our website!

Firgure out from Transnational benchmark analysis of labour market conditions incl. identification of qualification and support demand