It is fair to say that the last Interreg Danube Transnational Programme call was hotly contested! This makes us all the prouder of having three of our projects on the 25 project winner’s list out of 270. These projects are scheduled to run for a total of two and a half years in partnership with our consortium members from the Danube region and the Western Balkans.
Both the projects „CSSC Lab“ and „STRIDE“ focus on energy storage and sector coupling, which are central to the debate on the energy transition. CSSC Lab concentrates on these topics at municipal level and STRIDE considers the development of regional micro-grid solutions.
The main aim of the DanubePeerChains project is to develop educational measures for small and medium-sized enterprises, which reflect the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These will be designed in cooperation with business support organisation and labour market institutions.
In all three projects, CPU will take a lead role in the conducting of strategic action plans as well as the carrying out of pilot measures and practical demonstrations. Kick-off meetings were organised for each of the projects in July. We expect to have the first results of our analyses at the transnational project level by the end of the summer.