Regional Action Planning Methodology for DanubePeerChains



ConPlusUltra finalises Regional Action Planning Methodology

ConPlusUltra has developed a methodology for Regional Action Planning for DanubePeerChains.

DanubePeerChains is a three-year project financed by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. It aims to empower Labour Market Support Organisations (LSOs) and Business Support Organisations (BSOs) as well as their target groups to help them better integrate into transnational value chains. This is done by building their capacities and providing them with relevant training related to digitalization.

At the same time, a central part of the project is the development of regional action plans to make sure that the results of the project are extended throughout the region. By the end of 2022, a total of 9 regional action plans will have been prepared for Austria, Slovenia, Romania, Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These will be elaborated in close cooperation with stakeholders and thanks to an internal peer review process, which the associated partner Moldova will also partake in.
The Action Plans will define concrete support measures to utilise each region’s value chain potential. Such measures should allow for the upgrading of qualifications of regional companies through the upskilling of staff with a special focus falling on digitalisation. This in turn should enable companies to be integrated into transnational digital value chains in cooperation with labour market and business support organisations.

Methodology for  Regional Action Planning comprised of three tools

It is important to note that these final action plans will be shared with policymakers at the project’s final conference in Bucharest in the second half of 2022. This will ensure that the measures proposed are sustainable and will be implemented beyond the lifetime of the project. Moreover, the project has a strategy and policy recommendations – which will partly be inspired by the action plans – and should also help transfer the project results to policymakers at the macro-regional level of the Danube countries.

To support the action planning process, ConPlusUltra has developed a methodology comprised of three tools:

  • Action Plan Template
    The Action Plan Template addresses the specific regional context, 2-3 priority areas, 2-3 concrete actions and a section reflecting on the contribution to the DanubePeerChains Strategy and the policy recommendations.
  • Action Development Spreadsheet
    The Action Development Spreadsheet has been developed to enable partners to formulate very concrete actions, making it possible to move from the strategic level to implementation.
  • Speaking Notes
    The speaking notes make it possible to give a strategic overview of the project and related topics. More concretely, they cover the project, the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region, a slide on the regional labour market strategy of the partner and finally, the action planning process.

The partners have received these tools in order to be able to use them for their own action planning processes.
You will be able to find the results of these processes on the project website by the end of 2022.

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