EDU4future – Erasmus+

The Erasmus+ project „EDU4future“ (11/2020 – 12/2022) follows the question „How changing requirements of the labour market, with special regard to digitalisation and industry 4.0, are transferred into vocational education and training in each partner country“.
EDu4future wants to describe in detail the procedures by which 6 EU Member States, represented by 6 project partners, foresight and choose to transfer the changing requirements of the labour market, with special attention to digitalisation and industry 4.0, into vocational education and training after COVID crisis. 6 partners will describe VET systems in individual partner countries, roles of social partners, state and regions in the process of transferring labour market requirements to education on national, regional, local and sectoral level, competencies of individual actors, examples of good practice and examples of relevant partnerships and initiatives.
From this point project activities are based. AfBB leads International Methodology to be used by partners to describe the situation in each partner country or even in any other EU or not EU country. Each of the partners will prepare a detailed Country Report, where the procedures – in similar way set by methodology – are described.
In addition, illustrative examples of good practice will be added. Supervision over the processing of Country Reports will be held by t2i. Individual Reports will be compared by TREXIMA. The comparison will result in a comparative analysis. CONPLUSULTRA will process output recommendations.
Comparing systems to learn new methods and processes from the examples of others has also the long-term goal of preparing tomorrow’s workers so that: 1) they are more aware of their choices and the possibilities offered by the new sectors; 2) promoting youth employment and reducing the gender gap; 3) promoting mobility and helping to build a sense of unity and belonging to the European Union as a community 4) favoring the permanence and resilience in difficult times of skilled labor force.
EDU4Future is a proposal made by a strong and multiplayer partnership of The Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Regional Chamber in Trenčín, Slovakia) that represents employers on regional level; experienced VET provider from Germany: Akademie für berufliche Bildung GmbH (Dresden); enterprise with strong track record in VET and cooperation with companies: TREXIMA, spol. r.o. (Czechia); CONPLUSULTRA GMBH (Austria): experienced consultancy company at the interface of public institutions, innovation support actors and regional SMEs facing digital transformation challenges; t2i (Italy): technology, innovation training organization from one of the most innovation location Veneto region and G&P svetovanje Gregor Jagodič s.p (Slovenia): Erasmus+ newcomer, a small consultancy university spin off company.
Get more information on the project site:
IO1 International methodology: for identifying processes of transferring Industry 4.0 requirements into the vocational education and training curricula
IO2 Country report: Reports include the description of VET systems in individual partner countries, roles of social partners, state and regions in the process of transferring labour market requirements to education, competencies of individual actors in VET systems and examples of good practice transferring Industry 4.0 requirements into the vocational education and training curricula.
Österreichischer Länderreport in Deutsch
Austrian country report in English
German country report in English, Czech country report in English, Italien country report in English, Slovenian country report in English
Summary of results of all country reports in German
IO3 Comparative analysis: The analysis focuses on the most important differences in VET and on the approaches of each country to ensure timely and quality transfer of labour market requirements, especially in the areas of digitalisation and Industry 4.0, into VET. The innovativeness of the Comparative Analysis lies in the focus on processes and tools for transferring labour market requirements into the structure and content of VET. The Comparative Analysis also presents the most interesting examples of good practice that have been successfully applied in the Partnership countries.
If you are interested in the analysis you can give your feedback here: Feedback Form
IO4 Recommendations: Building upon above project outputs, it is the goal of Recommendations report (Intellectual Output IO4 of the EDU4future project) to analyse all partners´ inputs from an aggregated perspective and develop shared conclusions and recommendations reflecting the discussion points, learnings and suggestions developed during project implementation at the transnational partnership level. Further, the specific potential for the improvement of the VET systems and programmes are presented and discussed in individual partner country chapters.
Stakeholder event
Stakeholder event on 13th Oktober 2022
Einladung und Programm Stakeholder event 13th Oktober
Final conference in Bratislava
Place: Volkswagen Slovakia, a.s.; J. Jonáša 1; 84302 Bratislava – Devínska Nová Ves; room: AUTO FORUM
Press release and information for final conference on 9th November
Presseinformation und Details zur Abschlusskonferenz
- EU-Projekte/Nationale Projekte
- G&P svetovanje Gregor Jagodič s.p. –
- Slowakische Industrie – und Handelskammer –
- TREXIMA, spol. s r.o. –