On December 19, 2018 Brigitte Hatvan (ConPlusUltra) was invited to present the Interreg DTP project CrowdStream at the 15th Joint Steering and Working Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 8 (innovation) to a high-ranked audience representing ministries, universities, regional agencies, projects and innovation clusters from different Danube countries.
As the leader of the action planning activities within the CrowdStream project, Brigitte Hatvan the comprehensive work programme aiming at improving the effectiveness of public or private business support to access alternative financing, i.e. crowdfunding. Some of the results presented included publication of regional analyses and profiles as well as implementation of trainings for business support organisations and final beneficiaries in all nine project regions. Furthermore, during the pilot action phase partners are able to showcase solutions on how public business support organisations (BSOs) can support crowdfunding campaigns of start-ups and social enterprises. Know-how exchange and expert meetings (field missions) supported experience sharing all over the Danube region.
A Crowdstream pitching video summarising all these activities (trainings, field missions, pilot actions) was recently released. Some of the next publications will include the developed trainings materials for public actors implementing services to support start-ups, SMEs and social enterprises approaching crowdfunding.
Watch the Crowdstream pitching video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVvxS5oSK8U&feature=youtu.be
CrowdStream activity is funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA) within the Interreg project CrowdStream.
More about the project: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/crowdstream