Energy Audit of Arab Ship & Repair Yard Co. in Bahrain successfully completed
The energy audit was conducted under a framework program of the Sustainable Energy Unit of Bahrain. A team of three local energy auditors under the lead of an experienced international expert from ConPlusUltra was able to identify very significant opportunities for performance improvements. Starting from typical low hanging fruits, with no or low investment requirements (e.g. leakage testing), over to long term change in management practices, and up to long term investments with large savings opportunities (e.g. new welding equipment, rail crane electrification).
In less than four months, the energy audit provided a priority short list of opportunities for improving energy performance, that are able to reduce energy consumption and cost by 14 % with an average payback of less than 2 years. From the required 3.2 million USD investments the CEO has approved a significant part (e.g. power factor correction, lighting) already after internal presentation of the report.
ASRY’s is a major ship yard in the Arabian Gulf, with over 5000 workers (including subcontractors) in the areas of ship and rig repair, new construction & engineering – which combined cover all types of vessel repair including jack-up rigs and other offshore assets, as well as fabrication of onshore and offshore industrial components. Total energy consumption was about 115 GWh in 2018.
Further information
DI Josef Buchinger