Compliance management system

If you want to eliminate legal risks that could affect your company you have to recognise and administer your legal responsibilities. Starting from single advisory inputs with regard to specific legal compliance issues up to the complete package of compliance management consulting services:

We set up your compliance management system!

We keep your compliance management system running!

As a first step ConPlusUltra supports client companies to identify all obligations that can be derived from existing permits (filing system permit management) and relevant laws (law filing system). If required, a software tool can be provided to support these activitites.

The next step will be the assessment of the compliance of the client company with the legal duties that have been identified on the basis of legal regulations (Compliance Assessment), business operation (Audit) or a “snapshot” of the client´s compliance management (Compliance Check).

Additionally the compliance system needs regular maintenance to make sure that all relevant operational units will be informed about recent laws issued that are applicable in the company. ConPlusUltra offers various information services in this field.

In the ConPlusUltra consulting team lawyers and engineers jointly elaborate an individual compliance management solution for your company and are at your disposal to support the implementation of your compliance management system.

For further information about ConPlusUltra´s services offered in your region please get in touch.

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