Second training BACID II



Following on from the first training in December 2020, participants from water and wastewater utilities and municipalities across North Macedonia were invited to attend the second BACID II training on 04.02.2021. While the first training focused on energy assessments for municipal infrastructure, energy efficiency in buildings and energy efficiency in water supply/waste water utilities, the second training dealt with solar photovoltaic systems and municipal energy planning. Participants were given homework to complete after the first training, which was then discussed during the second training.

A total of 23 participants attended the second training, coming from 12 different municipalities and 11 utilities.  They are explicitly encouraged to share their knowledge within their institutions at local level. Both trainings were hosted by the Association of public utility services providers of Republic of North Macedonia (ADKOM). Energy consultants from ConPlusUltra (Austria) implemented the trainings with support from the local partner Balkan Development Solutions BDS (North Macedonia).

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The Action is implemented with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation through the BACID grant scheme (Building Administrative Capacities in Danube Region & Western Balkans), managed by the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns and KDZ Centre for Public Administration Research.

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