E-learning platform for crowdfunding is available! Register now and learn more about crowdfunding: www.pbn-elearning.hu
ConPlusUltra participated in the preparation of the materials in the framework of CrowdStream project. There are 26 training units grouped into 6 modules. The training units are uploaded in separate PDF-documents. Each module is followed by a presentation and a questionnaire testing the understanding of the learning material.
The users can follow two possible learning paths. The first one (Modules 1-4) is recommended for final beneficiaries (small and medium enterprises, start-ups and social enterprises) as it explains basic terms and, then, it gives information on implementation of crowdfunding campaigns. The second learning path (Modules 1-6) is intended for use by business support organisations as the last two modules contain information on development of crowdfunding-related support services.
Register now and learn more about crowdfunding: www.pbn-elearning.hu
Further information: neli.kail@conplusultra.com
CrowdStream project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)
More about the project: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/crowdstream